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Compensation of our transportation carbon footprint -Francia
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Ação Concluída
Compensation of our transportation carbon footprint -Francia
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In 2019, one of the environmental challenge of EDPR France & Belgium consisted in offsetting travel-related carbon emissions during 2018. All emissions (plane, car, train) were calculated.

The goal was to developp and support a sustainable project near to our wind farms.

EDPR chose to work with Reforest’Action, a compensation organism.

Carbon offset consists in several points :

-Planting trees in France (location found by Reforest’Action)

-Participation to a planting project in Brasil

-Virtual planting for employees and customers

-A specific web page is created and socio-environmental benefits are presented.

Total km in 2018

(plane, car, train)

Total CO2 emissions

1 448 102 km

208 299 kg CO2

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