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Go Green: EDPR APAC OFPV Kayak & Clean Expedition (21 Sep) Clean up debris around our floating solar farm in our kayaks
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Go Green: EDPR APAC OFPV Kayak & Clean Expedition (21 Sep)
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Paddle for a Purpose: Kayak & Clean at OFPV!

For its 50th Anniversary, PAssion Wave partners EDPR APAC to jointly organise OFPV Kayak & Clean Expedition Sep 21, 2024, Singapore.

Join us for an exciting day of adventure and environmental stewardship at the OFPV Kayak & Clean event! This volunteer action, organized in partnership with People's Association PAssion WaVE supports the national environmental protection program "Project Blue Wave," which promotes the importance of eco-diversity and marine conservation. 

This is an opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying the beauty of Singapore's coastal waters and see cosely one of EDPR APAC's assets.

Date and Time: September 21, 7.00am to 2.00pm

Location: Passion Wave at Sembawang (the expedition will be starting here)

Activity Details: Participants will engage in the OFPV clean-up while kayaking, contributing to environmental protection. The expedition will start in Sembawang and go all the way to the OFPV site, where the clean-up will be done (total of 16km).

Expert Guidance: Trainers from PA will lead the activity, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Requirements: participate in 2 full-day 1 star kayak certification course (paid by the company)

Sign up: TBD

#WeDaretoVolunteer #WeChooseEarth

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